Charitable Donations

Since the South Wales Classic Car Club was formed it has donated over £250,000 to charities serving the South Wales region, predominantly from surpluses raised at the annual show.

Donation to Ty Celyn Sunday Club on Club Night 6th Feb 2025.

Donation to Mary Watkins on Club Night 2nd May 2024 for her fantastic work, supporting the people of Rwanda.

The Club has been proud to sponsor three main charities on a regular basis

Presentation from club night 4th April 2024

Cerebal Palsy Wales (Formerly Bobath Children’s Therapy Centre) is a national centre of excellence for families in Wales with children who have cerebral palsy. Their specialist team of physiotherapists, occupational therapists and speech and language therapists work together to offer transdisciplinary skills, so each child, benefits from their combined expertise.

"We are a school that caters for a wide and diverse range of differently able pupils.
You'll find a school that is positive, warm and welcoming.  A school that has the most fantastic range of facilities and staff with a 'can do' attitude.
We work with every child as an individual ensuring that their educational and therapeutic needs are met so that they can flourish both within our school and when they leave
Our vision is simple -  'Potential, Opportunity, Achievement'

Ty Celyn Sunday Club is for children and young people with disabilities.  It meets every Sunday during term time and encourages children to take part in many activities both at the Club and on trips to sporting events, theatre, cinema etc.

Any SWCCC member can submit a charitable bid, for consideration by the committee and potential support from the club. 

So get your bids in early to be considered from any surplus receipts from the next Classics show.  

Particular preference will be towards project centred bids, on behalf of locally based charities, for whom a three figure donation will make a significant impact.

Copies of the SWCCC Charity Bid Application Form are available HERE.

Previous charities we have been pleased to support include the following:

British Heart Foundation 
National organisation -Helping beat Heart Disease
Pulmonary Hypertension Association 
National organisation helping to find cures and help for sufferers
Contact the Elderly 
Support for the over 75s
Bridgend Carers Centre 
Support for Carers in the Bridgend area
Helping families needing neonatal care
Neath Port Talbot Cancer Challenge 
Specialises in support for cancer patients
Amelia Trust Farm 
This project provides valuable educational, training and recreational facilities in a tranquil rural environment.
Y Bont 
Centre for Babies and Children with special needs and their Families in Bridgend.
Breast Cancer Care Cymru 
The local branch of this national organisation
The charity that saves lives at sea
Guide Dogs
Providing mobility for the blind and partly sighted
Crossroads in the Vale 
Funding for research into dementia and support based in Penarth
Cruse Bereavement Centre 
Local support service based in Bridgend
Ty Elis 
Porthcawl Based Counselling service
Thinking Differently about mental health and wellbeing. South Wales based with branch in Bridgend.
Heronsbridge School is both a Primary and Secondary Special School.  They cater for a wide range of Learning Needs including a department for pupils on the Autistic Continuum.